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If you are asked by a member of the Nominating Committee to serve on a committee or on council, say, “Gladly I”d love to!” If you are not asked but would love to serve on any of our regular or ad-hoc committees, contact the office and leave your name. We are a congregation that relies on each other and serves each other. To be on the council one must be a member of the congregation, but any “friend of the congregation who is actively involved in the life of the congregation” can serve as a committee member.

Learning Committee

The Learning Committee is committed to “assisting the congregation in realizing its nature and mission in the area of learning.” They work with the Sunday School program, the Splash program (for parents of newly baptised children), the Friendship Club ministry, youth programs, confirmation, men’s Bible study, Letio Divina (meditative study), and Sunday adult classes.

Service Committee

The Service Committee assists the congregation in realizing its nature and mission in the area of service. Within Messiah they affirm and promote activities in a general way. Within the community they support specific activities by Messiah members including Martha’s Table, Meals on Wheels, Neighbor Aid, Canadian Lutheran World Relief.


The Support Committee is responsible for the physical maintenance of Messiah’s buildings, as well as renovations, equipment upgrades and purchases, TV ministry, counters, website, and snow shoveling.  The Wednesday workers and custodians assist in keeping everything in tip-top shape.


The Witnessing Committee takes seriously the mandate to Share Jesus Christ with All People by performing outreach to others. They work with groups such as the World Mission Group, the Refugee Centre and the Holy Strollers for example. Their various projects include the pictorial directory, and many hospitality events including LunchFest, potlucks, coffee fellowship, summertime coffee on the lawn, greeters in the Welcome Centre, and serving coffee and cookies during the Camrose parade. They visit members to bring them the contents of their full mailboxes if not picked up and visit older members who can no longer attend service and bring them Sunday bulletins.


The Worship Committee makes provision for the development, coordination, supervision and evaluation of the worship and music programs of the Congregation.  It is responsible for the nurturing of faith in children through celebration of baptism, communion and regular worship. The Committee also encourages personal devotional life through provision of Eternity for Today. Other responsibilities are arranging for chancel care and ensuring that there are communion preparers and servers, lectors, greeters, ushers, and audio and video technicians for Sunday morning services. The Committee arranges for the distribution of Holy Communion in homes and institutions.